
JERÉ LONGMAN and the definition of fun

纽约时报的JERÉ LONGMAN终于明白无误地说出了美国主流媒体评判FUN的基本标准。
总之,没有看到自己想看到的,没有符合美国标准的,都不叫“自发的”“有趣的”。当然最重要的,还是这位JERÉ LONGMAN没有把自己真正融入到中国文化中去,“自发的”体验一下中国和世界从比赛中获得的乐趣。倒霉的是,纽约时报一再催稿,实在没什么可写的(根本不了解中国,也根本不想了解),只能按照编辑的指示写这样一篇没有任何FUN的文章了。


China and India's different take on international sports

How many medals did China get from the Olympic Games this year? 89 so far and definitely more towards the end. How many for the Indians? 3 and probably no more. So which one is winning? Hard to say. Why? They have totally different attitude toward international sports.
As usual, western media indisputably blame the communist party for the achievement of the Chinese athletes and for their suffering during the training courses. But, hey, all the achievements and the sufferings are coming from the same source: the drive to become more like the West, in every way. Unfortunately, the Chinese are still very much in the process of redemption from the national shame to national pride, by ways of competition in the global arena. The logic is quite Darwinian and nationalistic as we see in this event: think about the "project 119"...
So why the Chinese athletes were trained in such a inhumane way? Because they are trying to win games that are essentially not theirs. When Li Xiang won the 110 hurdles, people thought that the genetic curse was magically broken. But sooner or later we will realize that he is a special case. Without harder and harsher exercise, Asians are inherently inferior in many games of the anciet Olympics, particularly men. However, it's a war that we must win to prove our worthiness in the world, not the advantage of communism like the old days, and we have a plan to win it. So there's the result of our military action, many gold medals that dar beyond our average national sports capacity(according to western standard). Then what happened? When we win the national games, the world has moved on to human rights games in which the number of medals doesn't matter that much any more.
One more thing needs to be addressed here. Chinese sports system is no longer a pure Soviet system. The system today is like the Chinese economic system, also a hybrid of state management and market operation. It is a rising industry involving billions of dollars. Athletes are not merely performing for their country, but also struggling for their large sum of commercial income. Liu Xiang and Yao Ming are both successful examples of this changing system. Li Ning is even more significant considering his career as a businessman. Of course there are large numbers of young athletes fail to advance into a higher level and face dire future, but that's a dark reality in the international sports industry, not just China.
India is drastically different from China in this respect. The fundamental divergence lies in the different philosophies approaching the modern world. From the thought of Gandi on, Indians belive that the real accomplishment is not how much you act like the modern West, but how much you are different from it. The uniqueness is the national pride of India and the gold medal of whatever western game simply doesn't matter. If we can do well, fine. If we cannot, fine. Indian culture doesn't promote competition with the West as the pillar to its nationalism, rather it encourages confluence. Why pursue such vanity when you can enjoy your life?
Again, China and India's seperate ways are logical consequence from their long civilizations and their modern encounters with the West. Today, many want to compare China and india in order to showcase either a government orchestrated economic explosion or a western praised third world democracy. In my view, just like their take on the international sports, none is wrong. However, neither is complete in terms of the improvement of national health and fitness. Like so many other aspects. Both nations are still on their way trying to figure out a better future.
One of the things I sugguest they do is to revive traditional games and create more games that are more attractive and suitable to their own people, so that no matter how many olympic medals they got from these western defined games, their people are still happy and joyful.


Russia-U.S. tension and the misleading media in the West

After China-bashing, here is Russia-bashing. Repeatedly, western media compared today's situation in Georgia with the 1968 "Prague Spring" and reignited people's fear and disgust against Russia. Some media, in order to discredit Russia's claim of genocide, even goes to say that Russia's discover of the number killed, more than a hundred, is far below what it believed, which is over a thousand. Once peace-lover and human rights defender, the western media now turned to care more about "Sovereignty" suddenly. Currently situation is very much like the Korean War reversed: Georgian president, Mikheil Saakashvili, armed and encouraged by the West strongly convinced that he was capable of reuniting his country by force and Russia was neither able nor quick enough to respond to his bold attack. Unfortunately, "Russia could not afford inaction," as MIKHAIL GORBACHEV clearly stated. Mr. Gorbachev also call present western media misinformation "a propaganda attack against Russia, with the American news media leading the way."
Two things are missing in the media: 1. why did Saakashvili invade Ossetia in the first place? what did he prepare to achieve domestically and internatinally?
2. how do we restore peace and order on the ground again and make sure that a proper agreement will be put into place to ensure future peace relations in the region?
The missing picture of Saakashvili's calculation and plans makes it impossible to evaluate the positions of both sides as well as future prospects of peace agreement. And the missing of the real solutions instead of rhetarics reflected how easy it is in the West to revive the old cold war nightmares than to figure out the political and security need of a democratic Russia as a state not an empire.
The expansion of NATO, the abolition of missile treaty, the agitation of independence in Kosove and the new missle defense installations in Eastern Europe signifies Washington's continuous treatment of Russia as the Soviet Union.The admission of Russia into G8 while G8 itself is loosing prestige in the world is not rewarding enough to offset Russia's disappointment after the cold war. Many American political analysts and scholars understand how important it is to give space and respect to the rising powers like China, India and sometimes Russia, but when the time comes for the west to show their respect and understanding, they are cought between their own interests and their rhetaric.
I am sure Russia is not going back to the cold war and Putin is no compare to Stalin. Russia will back off if an international agreement satisfying its request is reached. What the west should do is not pressuring Russia, but to clarify its intentions, and to dissude Georgia from a military solution. In the long run, the West will have to figure out a way to include Russia in a broader international community and play its rightful role while make sure that Russia also gives up military solutions for problems that could be prevented by a balanced international security regime. No one wants to see the return of tensions between the U.S. and Russia, except perhaps the oil speculators. Isolating Russia will be a disasterous policy.
It is especially bad for China in this situation. However, China could use its third party status to mediate an agreement and help to end the conflict in the region. Such a move will prove to the world that China has an intrinsic interest in the world peace process.





The End of American Economic Model and A New Era

The American economic model is near death. Note, I am not saying that American economic system is going to die. Capitalism, free market economy and entrepreneurship will continue to dominate world economic system for a long long time. However, the age of an extensive use of energy as the basis for economic growth is over. Maybe I am too late to point this out. The trend has started from the 1970s, not today. But the ramification was not clear until energy crisis was magnified by financial crisis as well as food crisis. None of the previous recession or crisis has such profound impact and deep interconnections, many thanks to globalization, financial engineering and technological advancement. Growing global coordination and governance was able to contain some of the crisis and straighten out abnormal economic abruptions, but apparently there are certain limits that nation-states are not ready to cross, as recent events of EU, WTO and G8 meetings showed to us.
The expanding disconcert among international actors is largely due to changing dynamics of global economic power as well as natural resource possessions. Aggregated demand for energy from developing countries, particularly China which followed American industrial model closely, has finally surpass supply in the 21st century, inflating energy prices to a breaking point. While on the other hand, sellers of energy, oil especially, are either despotic or unstable politically, adding so called security premium to the price. Higher than ever energy prices endangered global economy: U.S. and China in particular. These two countries are working together as the engine of global trade and development, while China offering low price consumer products to Americans and low interest money to finance the purchase at the same time. The Chinese cheap labors and American greedy consumers are at the center of this cycling model.
However, when we celebrated the dazzling speed of Chinese economic development and the increasing wealth of American corporate profits, we missed two fatal weaknesses of it: no matter how low the interest is, you’ve got to pay it back and no matter how low the energy price is, there will be a day of total depletion. So the party is over now as we all know how it happened. Politically, some call it “the return of history”. Other than a new game of great power struggle, what’s at the bottom is a new competition for energy security.
There is only one way to avoid war and safely transfer to a new model of economy: a true sustainable and renewable economy. But the pain is too acute and the transition is too long to bear for many in the U.S. and China. Democracy and harmonious society require sophisticated and smart political skill to navigate through these perilous waters. If not handled well, a pro-environment government could be voted out of office for ignoring people’s suffering and a pro-industry upgrade group could be silenced for sacrificing jobs or social stability.
Once realizing the impasse of American model today, China has a better chance of altering its course toward a greener future. New buildings could be more energy efficient, new factories could be more environmental friendly, new transportation system could be emission free, if the government put in a set of regulations that make sense economically and pragmatically. After all, riding buses and bicycles isn’t as bad as we thought.

P.S. I love all the small cars running around on the American roads now. Feels like Europe sometimes, haha….