
Tea Party should be in China

It's kind of a misplacement for the Tea Party in this country. What's needed in the US is a high tax to pay for its wars and social programs, and of course more spending on modernizing infrastructures. Meanwhile, the FED should reign in monetary expansion so that the world inflation could be controlled. On the other hand, however, China should be cutting taxes or restructuring its state-local tax system to better suit its people's needs. Sadly, two political systems are both resisting to the right solution to the linked problem. The ways both countries are adopting to deal with their current difficulties are leading them down a vicious circle. It's potentially destructive to see the trend continue. Alas, if only the Tea Party could more to the other side of the ocean!


Burried Bill and Worsening US-China relations

Last Thursday, Senate Democrats abandoned the effort to pass an energy/climate bill. In the current political climate, the Democrats neither have the will nor the capacity to see through such a bill, though they barely got the health care and financial reform passed. Such failure has deeper international impact, particularly US-China relations.
When Obama began his presidency, one of the pillar of his administration's China policy was climate cooperation. Since both trade and energy secretaries are Chinese Americans, US government has much better chance of improving relations with China on climate change and clean energy fronts. However, the Great Recession reversed the trend towards better relations. Though initial coordination on stimulus measures marked a good star, things soon worsened due to the constrained domestic political and economic conditions. Both countries need to make tough decisions to save the economy, particularly the job market. The economic imperative overwhelmed and re-prioritized the climate issue and the confrontational tone rapidly diminished cooperative prospect.
Since the new foundation was not established, the old habit catches up. Cold War thinking and changing geopolitical scale (NK) tend to create more tensions than China and US could ameliorate (TW).
Now, the climate bill is temp dead, the force pushing for change is severely challenged at a time when global warming is the most conspicuous. Also, exchange rate, trade surplus, Tibet, south China sea etc. are piling up to weight on the ties between the two countries. It's hard not to imagine the worse case scenario. China's economic growth will inevitably slow down in the near future, and America's long term structural change is no where near complete. So turbulence will be constant and risk management never be more important than now.
US and China must find a mutually trustful ground and no other is better than future oriented energy and climate cooperation. To make that work, China needs to find a way to invest in the US market, jump-start the life-style change as well as consumption of clean product. And the US will have to stop making China the scapegoat of its own economic problems and make compromises on the terms of emission and tech transfers. Only working together on peaceful and mutually beneficial projects, can we build trust and eliminate the risk of conflict.








以上联邦与州之间林林总总的冲突虽然议题不同、起因各异,却反映出美国经济危机爆发以来不断加深的社会矛盾和冲突。奥巴马政府面对危机所采取的内外政策和改革方案由于各种原因非但未能取得预期的效果,反而遭到了各种保守主义利益集团的强烈抵制。在国会两院中,共和党处于劣势,难以左右奥巴马的施政方向,于是乎医改、禁枪、钻井、移民等形形色色的问题就以地方与中央冲突的形式表现了出来。这种情况在年底的中期选举之后还有可能加剧。从2004年以来的三次地方选举中,民主党在各级政府和议会中的席位都在增加, 达到了近60%的多数。但很多新增席位并不稳固,极有可能在今年底的中期选举中易手。如此,则各州和地方的政策导向将会与联邦相左,即便民主党不会失去国会多数,奥巴马政府的日子也不会好过。
