




    The Administrator, in consultation with the Department of State and the United States Trade Representative, shall annually prepare and certify a report to the Congress regarding whether China and India have adopted greenhouse gas emissions standards at least as strict as those standards required under this Act. If the Administrator determines that China and India have not adopted greenhouse gas emissions standards at least as stringent as those set forth in this Act, the Administrator shall notify each Member of Congress of his determination, and shall release his determination to the media.






  原来面子和脸是完全不同的两件东西。中国旧戏里有一 套脸谱,这花花绿绿的脸谱就是“面子”,而真正的脸却反不能辨认清楚了。做戏子的只要上台的时候,脸谱弹得像个样子,至于真正的脸,长得好看不好看,那是不相干的。其实中国人一切都如此:只要保全面子,丢脸却全不在乎。阿Q就是一个代表。所以挨人打不要紧,但在背后却要说一句“儿子打老子”,这样虽丢了脸,面子却是有了。所以要面子不要脸是中国人一般的人生哲学。
  就整个中国社会来看,亦无不如此。在大城市里,工商业不景气,破产倒闭的事,层见迭出,但是酒馆舞场还是一 样地热闹,在乡村里,贪穷到不堪,肚子发生了问题,但婚丧的仪式,迷信的陋习,依然大事铺张,为的是不肯丢掉面子。



资本主义和社会主义从来就不是一对简单的反义词,市场经济和民主也从来就不是和资本主义密不可分的双生子。长期以来,我们总是过分简单化这些概念以至于缩小了未来社会可能性的讨论空间。 二十世纪以来,几种相对应的社会经济制度实践实际上是美式资本主义,日德资本主义,苏式社会主义在全球范围内的竞争,显然,后两者都以失败而告终了。由此,产生出福山的历史终结论。但是,福山把美式资本主义暂时的胜利简单等同于资本主义的胜利。他又把市场经济和民主政治简单同意于资本主义,这就造成了冷战后一代人的想象力缺失,从而导致了今天的社会动荡和发展困境。在中国,很多自由派思想家也因此走进死胡同。

从今天世界发展的趋势看来,共产主义是比较遥远的梦想,但某种形式的社会主义却是可以努力实现的目标。首先是市场经济与社会主义理论的结合,中国多年的实践表明基于广泛社会政治架构上的市场经济是可行的。全球日益深刻的经济危机也指出经济的全球管制也成为紧要的任务。在这些纷繁复杂的表象背后,根本的问题是西方古典经济学中的两大预设被打破了,一是理性人假设,一是增长无极限假设。金融市场的非理性与支撑实体经济的资源有限性导致全球规模的计划性不可避免。但这种计划不是苏联式的命令计划,而是协商出来的人性计划。 美式资本主义存在的前提是日益扩张的能源供给和不受限制的碳排放。现在,这两根支柱都受到了严重威胁:石油和天然气的国有化,全球气候变化的紧迫性皆指向这种掠夺式资本主义的终点。从这个意义上说,到现在历史才终结,一个以无限理性增长为预期的高能耗政治经济的终结,美式资本主义和苏式社会主义的共同终结。


现在比较难于克服的有两个。首先是如何向新马尔萨斯主义回归,承认人口净增长对人类长期发展的危害,并推动全球范围内的人口计划化。保守的宗教观念和虚伪的西方人权观阻挠了这个进程,并加剧了全球贫困化的发展。其次是如何增强发展中国家在协商中的份量,从而保证全球经济计划的公平和公正。没有政治协商的公正性,强加的全球计划化只能成为西方维护现存世界秩序,继续压迫第三世界的工具。 微观层面的市场竞争与宏观层面的能量计划化并不冲突,反而是实现可持续增长的两翼,缺一不可。而社会主义的人权与政治民主更需要在环境与经济正义的基础上建立,从而打破资本主义自启蒙运动以来对这些普世主义价值观的垄断和扭曲。协商式社会主义会在晚期资本主义的逻辑中诞生,这是当年宣布资本主义战胜一切成为万世不易的真理的人所不曾料到的。


Twitter: so close to history, so far from truth

Thanks to the Iranian government policy of closing the country to all foreign media, Twitter now is the only media that transmitting information out of that country. Therefore, making it not only a source of news, but a source of power. Whether or not this new communication pattern is a real representative of the Iranian civil society is not a question for the American mainstream media, cause what they want is news or more specifically proof of evil, and non mistakenly they got what they came for.
With powerful systems like Twitter, what's happening and what's showing are only distinguished by the speed of light. Thus, history was never so close to its original meaning: a multi-perspective accumulation of the event. This raw and live history is full of glances, snatches, comments, opinions and feelings, which synchronize the hearts of the world with the happenings inside Iran. Twitter became the enhanced form of embedded journalism and erected sensors everywhere for viewers anywhere. But are we closer to the truth?
Once you jump in the network, a centerless spiderweb, you are lost in a meaningless, contextless world of sliced information flood. The closer you are to the events, the further you are from the truth. These pieces require the individual reciever to assign meanings to them. However, the lack of background kowledge diasbled the audience from fully understanding and comprehending such meaning. As a result, incomings are put into simplified categories to make basic sense, and whose categories are easily provided by mainstream media and widely circulated social discourses. The outcome is not truth, but merely a set of reinforced opinions, intensified feelings, and impuse for actions.
Taken Iran as an example, for over a week, the media is waiting for bloodshed and explosive footage from the internet. And yet, no one, perhaps exclude PBS, bothers to explain the background of these events, the reality of lives in Iran and the real dispute between the conflicting sides. In order to reach the conclusion before anything even happens, the media quickly declared a TAM (China, 1989) second regardless the vast cultural and political differences between the two events. The broad western labelling or branding of events gives little room for the nuance of understanding and exacerbates the situation by pushing international interventions.

Follow Up:
There is one similarity between the current event and many other riots around the world: inflation. Though the cause of that is not entirely clear, inflation is quite a common problem in developing countries due to their inability to balance the budgets. Petrodollar, government speding aimed at gaining popular support, central bank's capacity to reign in inflation, and global economic situation are all connected with the problem. Needless to say, both Iran's contentious foreign policy and populous domestic policy are all deeply disturbing to the urban (more liberal) Iranians. The failure in Iran to develop a viable political economy foreshadows (maybe has been proved) all resource rich authoritarian countries, such as Russia, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. Unfortunately, neither Obama nor Moussavi could change the systemic problem, but to have them is better than without them for the people of now.

For a good understanding of Iran's politics and Iran-U.S. relations see "Iran is not the problem" a documentary.


最近一期的外交杂志封面文章Why Rescue Big Banks by Roger M. Kubarych 向我们揭示了美国资本主义与大银行的深刻内在关系。先看看Kubarych总结的大银行不可或缺的理由吧:

1. Big banks finance risk-takers
2. Big banks finance deals, especially big ones
3. Big banks can trade in size in global capital markets
4. Big banks are in the derivatives business, small and medium-sized institutions are not
5. Big banks run big IT operations
The above points explain why financial institutions grew so large and why that was and remains a generally good thing for the economy as a whole.

在该文作者看来“the appropriate way to prevent such behavior is not to limit the size of financial institutions, but rather to reform their corporate governance” 也就是说,公司治理结构比大小更关键。文中提出一个技术性解决放案,设立 “a category of "professional directors" -- who are elected directly by shareholders” 并认为这种新的董事能恪尽职守,保证大银行的健康运转。如果解决办法这么简单,为什么早没有人提呢?其实,克鲁格曼对奥巴马方案的抱怨也集中在公司治理层面,他对华尔街巨头们的年薪还是耿耿于怀,念念不忘,认为新法令对此限制不足。



Sovereignty and Accountability

Prime Minister Gordon Brown stepped up his public criticism. “We are with others, including the whole of the EU unanimously today, in condemning the use of violence, in condemning media suppression,” he told a news conference after a European Union summit in Brussels. He said it was up to Iran to show the world that the elections were fair and that “the repression and the brutality that we have seen in these last few days is not something that is going to be repeated.” (From NY Times)

What a righteous voice for GB to stand up for the people of Iran! Or at least some of them, or at least whom GB believed to have shared western values. Anyway, those on the streets of Tehran. It is so natural for the West to criticize the stupic Iranian government which quickly declared victory after the election and soon found itself in trouble. Election fraud, opposition protest, civil conflict and sporatic bloodshed, forced recount, government respond, sounds familiar? Yes, everywhere in democratic countries. But wait, why Iran is required to show the world that the elections were fair and since when did a sovereign country accountable not to its people but to the West's public opinion?

Regardless whether Iran is a democratic or free country, GB's word revealed a condescending imperialism disguised by subtle discourse of human rights and universal democratic principles. That's what I call "imperial human rights" practice. Under such a beautiful face, modern communication technologies, such as twitters, and so called NGOs were utilized to penetrate state boundaries and to undermine sovereignties. How can the West let this golden opportunity slip away? If the Iranian government loose, the "moderate" opposition will probably favor a pro-west policy; if the Iranian government recourse to coercion, the world opinion could be turn upon it and therefore a solid popular back for more sanctions; even if Ahmadinejad remain in power, he will be crippled by the fact that the country is split, which will severly limit his policy options. Meanwhile, and more importantly Khamenei will be weakened and his imagine tainted. So no matter what, making current crisis a huge event is such a win-win situation for the politically, militarily and economicly depressed British and American government that Obama can even afford to keep low-key for the moment.
Ultimately, the Iranians will sustain all the losses. At the end of the day, this unequal world system is demanding them to show courage, sacrifice, and proof of a "true democracy", while they cannot ask the same from the British or the Americans.

P.S. In order to show the technological superority, "the BBC announced that it was using two extra satellites — Nilesat and Eutelsat W2M — to broadcast its Persian-language service into Iran to restore the signal after days of jamming by Iranian authorities." What a splendid illustration of this one way broadcasting dominance! What would happen if western voters pursue elective justice out side of the legal channel? As you can imagine.


Moral judgement and systemic risk

It's funny to compare the criticisms against the Chinese government corruption and the American financial crisis. The former, some say, is because of systemic failure, not moral failure. You have to change the entire system in order to eradicate corruption. Therefore, rule by virtue or moral education on the officials will not work, and even if someone is morally upright, he is doomed in the system that deeply flawed. When it comes to the American financial crisis, the argument is 180 degrees reversed. The system is OK, though it needs some patch works. It is the wall streeters that are morally corrupted and they should be responsible for what happened. President Obama's solution is filled with such moral judgement while left systemic problem out of the question.
Indeed, the new plan called for more power concentration in the hands of the Feds, which is by the way a private institution in essence. The Feds is a professional organization for sure. It's filled with Chicago/Princeton/Harvard educated economists. But as Greenspan pointed out in his interview, the Feds answers to no one in politics. Of course, it has to answer to the economic leaders, more specifically, bankers themselves. Giving Feds more power sounds like giving more supervising power to a financial guild to look after its members. True, there will be more regulations, more forms to fill, more bars to cross and one more agencies to answer, but at the end of the day, except the Wall Street gain and main street loose, what else is coming out of this government?
The corruption in China won't stop until some systemic reform is done to make those corrupted accountable, and the crisis will happen again even if all WS managers are morally clean. This whole system of educating, placing, cultivating money speculators will continue, if the opposite of actually creating and making stuff is not rewarded as much as the financial CEOs. So much for American democracy....





Iran, Korea and the future of a chaotic world

The Iranian election this year perhaps was destined to be a source of domestic conflict. Apparently Ahamednejad wasn't ready to give up power and his opponents were determined to get rid of him and his hardline policies. There's now way we can find out the truth for now, but if Ahamednejad succeeds in keeping his power, Obama's smart-power foreign policy will face a big blow next to the North Korea one. The failure to deter NK from acquiring nuclear weaponry has led to rising tensions in the region, and now NK is said to further weaponize its plutonium if UN applies tighter sanction. Iran and NK's defiance will multiply the difficulties faced by the U.S. in dealing with two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Inside America, issues of abortion, race and same-sex are also truning up the heat, giving Obama's administration more to swallow at the same time, which further deteriorate the capacity of America to provide security insurance for the world.
Meanwhile, the EU, Russia and China are all too reluctant to take responsibility for any. Therefore in the short to medium run, the world is likely to run into a chaotic situation, exacerbated by the deepening of information technologies. In general, the world economy seems to be slowly recovering. However, as this blog has pointed out, the weakening of the hegemonic power, the unwillingness of the secondary power to participate, and the proliferation of modern science and tech are eroding the basis of the liberal global system. Potentially, these geopolitical situations could derail the road to recovery and stir up more conflicts around the world.
The future conflict will not be a WWIII, rather it will be a host of local low tensity conflicts between or among peripheral nations or groups due to the relaxation of regulatory powers.


外交关系授权法 H.R.2410

外交关系授权法,由众议院外交事务委员会主席伯曼(Rep. Howard Berman)提出,授权对2010以及2011年的一些外交事务支出做出拨款。法案授权美国总统把卫星与相关零件从美国武器出口管制的项目中免除,不过,直接或者间接有助于中国发展太空项目的卫星并不在免除的范围之内。法案也设立基金会鼓励美国学生到中国等国家留学。

    United State Assistance- The President shall provide grants to nongovernmental organizations to support sustainable economic development, cultural and historical preservation, health care, education, and environmental sustainability projects for Tibetan communities in the Tibet Autonomous Region and in other Tibetan communities in China
    The Secretary of State is authorized to establish a Tibet Section within the United States Embassy in Beijing, People's Republic of China, for the purposes of following political, economic, and social developments inside Tibet, including Tibetan areas of Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, and Yunnan provinces, until such time as a United States consulate in Tibet is established. Such Tibet Section shall have the primary responsibility for reporting on human rights issues in Tibet and shall work in close cooperation with the Office of the Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues. The chief of such Tibet Section should be of senior rank.

众议院院会在10号晚些时候还通过跟外交关系授权法案相关的修正案,其中一项由国会美中工作组共同主席拉森众议员Rep Larsen, Rick [WA-2] 与科克众议员共同提出。修正案表示,美国在全球推动解决气候变化问题的时候,必须保护有关清洁能源科技的知识产权。(原文如下)
    H.AMDT.187 to H.R.2410 An amendment numbered 7 printed in part C of House Report 111-143 to provide that the policy of the United States, with respect to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, shall be to prevent any weakening of, and ensure robust compliance with and enforcement of, existing international legal requirements for the protection of intellectual property rights, related to energy or environmental technologies.




TFP and Krugman Bias

When financial crisis hit Asia in 1997, the wise Krugman quickly pointed out that there's a fundamental problem in the Asian economy and he used the Total Factor Productivity as a theoretical concept to explain the phenomenon. The lack of innovation in the Asian economies, argued Krugman, ultimately contributed to the collapse of monetary system throughout the region. Though others rush to criticize the so called crony capitalism and the whole pattern of political economy in Asia, I always thought that Krugman's argument was the most fitful one.
Now it's the American turn to suffer the financial meltdown, but so far, the prophet Krugman hasn't even mention the word TFP. For liberal economists, the idea that American market economy is not at the center of technological innovation and productivity growth is unthinkable and even blasphemous. The bias agaisnt Asian development is obvious now. Particularly when Krugman traveled to China and told the Chinese that their way of polluting the world is unsustainable at best. When it comes to the TFP, Krugman never wants to confess that two factors slip his mind: the scientific and technological innovation in the developing world is far more effective than he thought; if not, that's because the developed world always monopoliz the knowledge in order to prevent competition from outside the club. So stop empty talking Prof. Krugman. If you really want to save the world, try to pursuade big companies to transfer more energy saving techs to the developing world first!