
外交关系授权法 H.R.2410

外交关系授权法,由众议院外交事务委员会主席伯曼(Rep. Howard Berman)提出,授权对2010以及2011年的一些外交事务支出做出拨款。法案授权美国总统把卫星与相关零件从美国武器出口管制的项目中免除,不过,直接或者间接有助于中国发展太空项目的卫星并不在免除的范围之内。法案也设立基金会鼓励美国学生到中国等国家留学。

    United State Assistance- The President shall provide grants to nongovernmental organizations to support sustainable economic development, cultural and historical preservation, health care, education, and environmental sustainability projects for Tibetan communities in the Tibet Autonomous Region and in other Tibetan communities in China
    The Secretary of State is authorized to establish a Tibet Section within the United States Embassy in Beijing, People's Republic of China, for the purposes of following political, economic, and social developments inside Tibet, including Tibetan areas of Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, and Yunnan provinces, until such time as a United States consulate in Tibet is established. Such Tibet Section shall have the primary responsibility for reporting on human rights issues in Tibet and shall work in close cooperation with the Office of the Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues. The chief of such Tibet Section should be of senior rank.

众议院院会在10号晚些时候还通过跟外交关系授权法案相关的修正案,其中一项由国会美中工作组共同主席拉森众议员Rep Larsen, Rick [WA-2] 与科克众议员共同提出。修正案表示,美国在全球推动解决气候变化问题的时候,必须保护有关清洁能源科技的知识产权。(原文如下)
    H.AMDT.187 to H.R.2410 An amendment numbered 7 printed in part C of House Report 111-143 to provide that the policy of the United States, with respect to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, shall be to prevent any weakening of, and ensure robust compliance with and enforcement of, existing international legal requirements for the protection of intellectual property rights, related to energy or environmental technologies.

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