Another sign of hope came from the V-E Day parade in Moscow. For the very first time, Polish, French, British and American troops are all reviewed in the Red Square, unimaginable during the Soviet times, or even a couple of years ago. So the airplane accident which buried the Polish leaders may actually open a new era in Europe. Of course, German chancellor showed up in RS first time in history as well. Consider that She can speak with Putin in both German and Russian, it's extraordinary how European Europe has become. This show of solidarity of Europe further reduces possibilities of conflict in Europe, which in turn provides a good support for the euro. The sinking of euro will also boost EU economies in the short run.
All in all, EU and US may have a lot to worry about, but the fundamental global structure is still working for them. It is East Asia that perhaps more vulnerable than we thought. Indeed, EA piled up a lot of reserves, but without open world trade system and export advantages, fragile geopolitical situations in Asia may prove to be more troublesome than many believed. In time of crisis, Asia may suffer the most at last...
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