
Buck Up, Here It Comes!

Here comes the Olympic Crushers! (After a decade of relative peaceful co-existence.)
Uygurs, Tibetans and Human Rights activists are working together to bring down the Olympics and competing for international coverage for the events that happen and will happen in China. China has been preparing for the game over a decade, its opponents? No less.
Apparently the "East Turkestan Independence Movement" has been synchronized with the international terrorist organizations. They adopted a commonly used new tactic, sending young woman to do their dirty work of blowing up a plane full of inocent people. Can this action be justified by the Chinese oppression in Xinjiang? For the ETIM, the answer seems to be yes. Poor security guys at the Urumqi airport. They must have been looking at the beard evil-looking terrorist-like suicidal men, but happily ignored attractive exotic teenager girl. And now it is only March, God knows what will happen down the road.
But Richard Gere knows what will happen down the road in his beloved Tibetan community: coordinated rebellion. Current riot is just a prelude of what could happen in the months to come. According to Gere, this is sporadic and spontaneous, not a conspiracy or a planned sabotage, and the organized gang is still waiting for the signal. In another word, this is just a test of water, some people got out of hand and acted earlier than planned. Again, is it justified in the name of "Tibetan Freedom" to wreck, burn, intimidate or even kill? According to the Buddhist Gere, YES.
So in order to have these so called hollywood celebrities to not boycotting the Olympics, China must follow the international rules, meaning give up your territorial integrity, national sovereignty, national interest, and even national security before you show the world that you are a sports fan. Which is more important? Ask the Chinese people, idiot.
I have seen too much blackmail lately, disguised as good will, moral teaching, sentimental appeal, and outright condemnation. Based on the Western Human Rights records, China deserves continuous pressure to improve its domestic governace. But all these threat and hysterical accusations that try to profit from a simple sports event make me sick, alienated, and sometimes angry when innocent people's lives got involved for no particular reason.
Historically, the Olympics are dangerous political games. Many interest groups have bet on the games and won considerablelly. Maybe it will happen again. I seriously doubt that the Chinese government and the Chinese people are ready to deal with what could happen. For a "face-loving" government and people, a severe damage to the centennial opportunity is unthinkable and unacceptable. But when the evil minds was planning 9/11 for years, who could have thought about the scale of the attack in America, let alone stopping it?
Unfortunately for the voodoo planners, as the Chinese old saying put it, "misfortunes don't travel alone". Of course the other misfortune is the Bear Stearns. When you are loosing money, nothing else matters.

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