

达赖的温和政策已经被出生、成长在海外的二代藏人摒弃,而他本人也被淹没在反华资金资助的人权运动中。现在,激进派借助达赖的和平形象大搞抗议、暴力活动,然后倒打一耙,称中国政府血腥镇压,博取世界舆论同情,同时逼迫达赖放弃妥协立场。哥伦比亚大学的Robbie Barnett认为西藏的民族主义在这场运动中增强了,事实是二代藏人通过国际串联找到了共同的认同和追求,的确增强了民族主义。Tibetan Diaspora 需要一种凝聚。而西藏运动的迫切性却恰恰反映了藏人目前的分裂性。


Follow up of the March 13 Blog

Due to price control by the government and international price hike of soybean, major soybean oil producers have stopped production for this low end oil due to profit plummet. As I have said days ago, international commodity price rise, particularly food, has become a national security issue for China. Systemically, multinational companies have controlled global soybean production. They have a global positioning program in which soy bean production is located in Americas and oil production in China, taking advantages of the low cost of both land and labor. The consequences are: Chinese peasants stopped providing soy bean, because their cost was too high compare to the western hemisphere; soy bean price is determine in the commodity exchanges where speculator may easily hijack the valuation process; Chinese local producers are caught in between of a global soy bean price and a domestic administered soybean oil price. One of the things that triggered the speculation was the snow storm in southern China which dramatically reduced the yield of rapeseed. In the future, if the soy bean price went up high enough to yield a profitable margin, Chinese peasants could start planting it again. Also, at a certain point, the government will have to let go of the price cap. Before that happens, the only thing government can do is to subsidies the soy bean importation so that oil factories can run again.
In a word, no end in sight for the inflation.







Buck Up, Here It Comes!

Here comes the Olympic Crushers! (After a decade of relative peaceful co-existence.)
Uygurs, Tibetans and Human Rights activists are working together to bring down the Olympics and competing for international coverage for the events that happen and will happen in China. China has been preparing for the game over a decade, its opponents? No less.
Apparently the "East Turkestan Independence Movement" has been synchronized with the international terrorist organizations. They adopted a commonly used new tactic, sending young woman to do their dirty work of blowing up a plane full of inocent people. Can this action be justified by the Chinese oppression in Xinjiang? For the ETIM, the answer seems to be yes. Poor security guys at the Urumqi airport. They must have been looking at the beard evil-looking terrorist-like suicidal men, but happily ignored attractive exotic teenager girl. And now it is only March, God knows what will happen down the road.
But Richard Gere knows what will happen down the road in his beloved Tibetan community: coordinated rebellion. Current riot is just a prelude of what could happen in the months to come. According to Gere, this is sporadic and spontaneous, not a conspiracy or a planned sabotage, and the organized gang is still waiting for the signal. In another word, this is just a test of water, some people got out of hand and acted earlier than planned. Again, is it justified in the name of "Tibetan Freedom" to wreck, burn, intimidate or even kill? According to the Buddhist Gere, YES.
So in order to have these so called hollywood celebrities to not boycotting the Olympics, China must follow the international rules, meaning give up your territorial integrity, national sovereignty, national interest, and even national security before you show the world that you are a sports fan. Which is more important? Ask the Chinese people, idiot.
I have seen too much blackmail lately, disguised as good will, moral teaching, sentimental appeal, and outright condemnation. Based on the Western Human Rights records, China deserves continuous pressure to improve its domestic governace. But all these threat and hysterical accusations that try to profit from a simple sports event make me sick, alienated, and sometimes angry when innocent people's lives got involved for no particular reason.
Historically, the Olympics are dangerous political games. Many interest groups have bet on the games and won considerablelly. Maybe it will happen again. I seriously doubt that the Chinese government and the Chinese people are ready to deal with what could happen. For a "face-loving" government and people, a severe damage to the centennial opportunity is unthinkable and unacceptable. But when the evil minds was planning 9/11 for years, who could have thought about the scale of the attack in America, let alone stopping it?
Unfortunately for the voodoo planners, as the Chinese old saying put it, "misfortunes don't travel alone". Of course the other misfortune is the Bear Stearns. When you are loosing money, nothing else matters.











Food Safety and Food Security

On March 9, 2008, New York Times has an article "A Global Need for Grain that Farms Can't Fill", which basically reflects the fundamental transition of the world economic landscape. It is a chain reaction:

1. Globalization embarked a global redistribution of capital and led to a period of rapid industrialization of the third world, particularly Asia countries like China and India.
2. Industrialization drives a huge wave of urbanization and reallocation of land use.
3. General economic development generates great demand, including all kinds of natural resources and food.
4. Former balance was disrupted by increasing demand and limited supply. Worldwide inflation is spiraling upward, driven particularly by the perceived bottleneck of energy insufficiency.
5. Energy cost and industrial byproducts, shrinking agricultural land and spiking global warming, are lifting food prices, which reinforce the overall inflation in the world.
6. Energy scarcity is transmitting from oil and coal to other new energy sources. With the oil overpassing $110, countries go to coal and use new coal technology, then the price of coal doubled. Others turn to nuclear, uranium prices jump. Automobile societies try to rely on hybrid, price of battery component lithium doubled. EU and US have realized that ethanol from corn or sugar cane was a bad idea that contributed to the wild inflation of food prices. Every alternative is causing strain of the next natural resource.

The truth is, with current development pattern, the earth cannot afford an all out Americanization. Without a recycling economic infrastructure, we are heading into a disaster.
Alan Greenspan was right in pointing out that the economic prosperity started with the end of the cold war and would end with global inflation. (Of course he hand-made the fuse for the bomb: the sub-prime credit meltdown.) But he didn't offer a solution. And yet, if his bubble theory is also correct, the commodity bubble is definitely making some people rich, but generally by killing everyone else in the economy.

Back to the topic. Rising food price and relative decline of food supply have spilled over the economic realm and run into security arena. There have been minor conflicts around the world on food and water, but so far, world food market is running OK to serve the need of billions. However, recent food safety issue is disturbing the market and has a potential to threat its healthy function.
Globalization not only globalized industrial goods, but also agricultural goods, including aqua products. World wheat supply is depending upon the production of a number of countries like America and Australia; rice, Southeast Asia; fish farming, China and Vietnam, etc. China is especially productive in terms of processed food due to its cheap labor and food price. Now if something happens to the major food base, food security is in danger. Similarly, if something happens to the major food processing base, food safety as well as security will be in danger. This is a typical unconventional threat to global security.
For instance, Japan imports 90% of its processed food from other countries like China. The dumpling incident is hurting Chinese producers on the one hand and Japanese consumers and retailers on the other. New safety scrutiny has significantly delayed food delivery to Japan and animosity between the two countries has prolonged the prosecution process and depleted Japanese food industries' inventory. Further protraction of the incident will not only damage bilateral relations but force Japan to search for alternative food sources, which in the short run will dramatically inflate the food prices and pressure its already weakened economy.

On the Chinese side, inflation has long been a national security issue. The runaway inflation in the late 1940s led to the demise of the KMT government on the mainland, and the late 1980s to the Tiananmen movement. (If we go back 2000 years, many more cases can reveal the destructive force of inflation.) Therefore, the government has to treat its seriously. Current inflation is mainly induced by mounting food price, meat in particular. Other than obvious reasons like disease and natural catastrophe, policy lag is the fundamental problem. Nationalized land ownership and Hukou system are major obstacles on optimizing land use and improving agriculture productivity. Without flexible land ownership, land resource allocation is out of the market control and extremely biased toward powerful interest groups. Also, currently arrangement makes rural entrepreneurship and micro-financing difficult. Hukou system not only creates huge urban problem by burdening the local government and letting industrial capitals profit from free ride on public expenses, but also dries out the rural labor poor by preventing a proper rural labor market. Moreover, rising cost for fertilizer and fuel are squeezing the margin of the farmers, diminishing the benefit of the cancellation of government taxes.
The ongoing food price inflation presents an opportunity for the government to execute some of the delayed reforms in the rural area. More liberalized, market-driven, efficient (maybe high-tech?) and environmentally friendly agriculture is needed to sustain China's development and to reduce the risk of food security.


Senate Bill has a potential to disrupt U.S.-China Trade

The Senate approved a measure on Thursday to overhaul the consumer product laws and strengthen the safety agency that oversees the marketplace. Besides increasing the staff and budget of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the legislation would create "a public database of complaints about products and empower state prosecutors to act if they think the federal government is not doing enough to protect consumers."
The bill would make mandatory many toy safety standards that are now voluntary and as part of that change require that toys be tested in compliance with a comprehensive set of rules.
The bill would also increase the possible maximum penalty for violations to $20 million, from the current $1.25 million. And it would make it a crime for a company to sell a product that has been recalled.
The Bush administration statement after the bill was passed, though criticized it, did not threaten a veto. The House will be under pressure to reconcile with the Senate bill and it looks like that some of these measures will remain unaltered.

The implications for the American and Chinese business:
1. The bill would burden the businesses. It would “create a playground for plaintiffs’ attorneys.” In deed, if the power is lowered to the state level, it could go out of hand easily and cause producers and importers alike huge amount of time and money to settle with all kinds of claims. In places where protectionism and populism sentiment is high, Chinese and other imported products would be subject to extreme scrutiny and put through lengthy and costly bureaucratic and legal processes.
2. The bill would create a database for circulating “frivolous complaints" filed by interest groups and the database would be used “to anonymously smear companies” by their competitors. Using that database, info of a local incident could spread throughout the country and develop into a national witch-hunt.
3. The bill would require laboratories that test certain children’s products for safety to be independent and privately owned. Frequent use of this provision may cause producers a lot to pay for the tests and certain corruption may occur when certain private lab is designated.
4. The bill would extend whistle-blower protections to employees who disclose safety violations. This could be easily used against Chinese firms in which unsatisfied employees could be picked up by interest groups and speak against their employer.

After all, the purpose of this bill is to safeguard American consumers and to a large extent, it would do well. But after careful examination of the details, you will find disturbing potentials for future trade conflict. The bill is somewhat overreacting than the House bill and is cost-inflating at least.




