
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

Argued March 24, 2009
Reargued September 9, 2009
Decided January 21, 2010

Constitutional amendments are meant for protection of civil rights, but with the SC decision on this case, the First Amendment was used to undermine exactly what it was created to guard.
This decision has huge implications. Just like the dissolution of the glass -steagall act brought American financial system back to the pre-1933 economic world, this court decision will throw America back to pre-1907 political world. It is foreseeable that following the Great Recession, a great American democratic recession is in the making.
What does it mean for American foreign policy? It may more and more in line with big corporate interests (they may not be American corporations).
What does it mean for US-CHINA relations? It's complicated. On the one hand, protectionism and populism may be controlled so that bilateral relations could be more stable. But on the other, commercial and business conflicts could easily spill out of the economic realm into a political one, like what Google did recently.
Overall, it is quite strange to see this set back of democracy in America when other democracies are busy curtailing money from politics or making new campaign financing laws to prevent corporate intervention. Given current chaotic situation in the Congress, it's hard to imagine that this problem cold be fix any time soon.
How will this rule play out in future American politics is yet to be seen.


Looming cloud

New York times EDITORIAL: It Isn’t Working for Anyone Else
is a call to "War on Free Trade", which is supposed to be the core value of the corporate USA.
This one-dimensional accusation reflected the frustration of the "left" in this country. Their simple logic was always like this: if you cannot compete, complain about the rules, even though they are made by you.
Contrary to what they say, China and other developing countries' rise bring more good than bad. The economy is recovering and the price is rising again. But they are running out of patience because the speed of job recovery is not catching up with the waning of their political careers. So they want to use the usual populist scheme to shake off their own wrong-doings. Why not blaming China, for all the tainted toys, lost jobs and deficits. Why not create an even bigger enemy so that more government spending and regulations can be justified?
If they succeed, their pork-barrels, war-wastes, wall street ties, health care irresponsibilities, bone-cutting tax policies could all be wiped aside and start anew.
Whoever is writing the editorial is part of the coordinated attack against China recently. They are "exposing" Chinese companied dealings with Iran, calling Google and other companies to threat China(because they have failed miserably in competition in China), putting up tariff on Chinese steel, and basically trying to start an economic cold war to boost American domestic production. After all, it was war that dragged America out of the last Great Depression.
One thing exposed the editorial completely: these are the people speaking for the European and Japanese interests really, not American ones. Think about it, if dollar and Yuan sink together, who hurts the most? So I guess if that's the NY times editorial, the newspaper had better change its name to Trilateral Commission report.



Dodd, Dorgan, Ritter都不选了。看来2010年是很多政治老手的死亡之年。奥巴马的第二个年头可能是他最困难的一年。民主党面临中期选举,众多议员要走马换将,美国政治大洗牌的时候很快要到来了。在这纷纭的背后既是利益重新分配的盛宴,也是各种冲突爆发的战场。而“老英雄”施瓦辛格就遇到了他退休之前最大的挑战。
Dodd, Dorgan 可以不干,可要是施瓦辛格不找到办法,加州政府就要关门大吉(要么就发IOU)。危急关头,施瓦辛格只能两害相较取其轻,为了老师砍狱卒。感觉像中国农村的地方政府,大声广而告之:为了孩子,我们就是吃糠咽菜。。。



牛二是对阿Q的超越。在近100年后,我们终于找到空闲,重新整理思路,回想过去与未来,平静的反思对自己的乡土、祖先、文化的鄙夷和唾弃。其实,牛二就是阿Q, 阿Q就是牛二,他们没有变,是我们变了。过去的中国没有牛阿Q,革命成功不了,日寇也不会在屠村之后还遇到还敢揭叉而起、拼死抗争的人,现在的中国没有牛阿Q,国家富强不了、崛起不了,那北京上海的海市蜃楼也无从谈起。