
Long Live The People's Republic of China



Excelon Quits the United States Chamber of Commerce

The company just quit United States Chamber of Commerce, along with some other companies that is specialized in new energy and utilities. The company has a fleet of nuclear powerplants and has a vested interest in passing the new carbon curbing law. Though the law has been passed by the House of Representatives, it has to wait for the Senate's approval. But that doesn't seem likely in the near future. Since the Senate and the Obama's administration are troubled by the health-care reform. Many states with coal-fired power plants may put up a fierce resistance to the new law. For the past few months they have been gaining ground, but now green businesses are leading the fight against the resistance of the new law. National Manufacturers Association and Chamber of Commerce believe that the new law will raise cost for their members. But excelon firmly believe that the new law actually would create jobs. Of course there is great financial incentive for excelon to sport the new law. If cap and trade system were adopted, excelon would benefit tremendously. Even though excelon may not win the battle it could gain from the grain stance it took in the campaign.
Many people probably don't know that in Chicago there is a Chicago Climate Exchange. As far as I know there are many companies already voluntarily dissipate in the trade of greenhouse gases. And the CCE trading has reached billion-dollar level. Companies that joined the game early certainly are looking forward to a formal system in which their advantage could turn to more profits. We're still not sure about the future of carbon reduction. The final law would be a compromise between the House and the Senate. But no matter what, without this legislation, America cannot assume the leading role in the battle against climate change.


Without a known enemy, America is at war with itself

Ever since the end of the cold war, America seemed lost its ultimate enemy, and thus its ultimate unitor. There may have been small "evil", like Saddam Hussein, or North Korea, Iran, maybe the combination of them called the "axis of evil". Then there's this unvisible "terror" like al qaeda, pervasive and faceless. At last, there's some potential "big evil" like China. But none posed the threat like the Nazi Germany or the Stalinist Soviet. Even if the "war on terror" for a very short period of time pull americans together. The united front fell apart quickly.
Now, Americans are at war with each other. The monsters and the devils, they discovered, are among themselves. They are radicals, communists, illegal aliens, gun-hangers, baby-killers, wealth distributors, muslim, bankers, and the list go on and on. In the name of democracy, they fight an unending war with each other. Their news became part of a propaganda machine, aiming and destroying the other side. It makes me think: what's good if no consensus and progress can be made? What's real about the motto "government of the people, by thepeople, for the people", if the people are so divided by fixed ideology while suffering common disease?
The effect of losing an real enemy and the failure of creating an replica have led to a total collapse of the domestic consensus building mechanism. So it seems that democracy works well with imperialism and global struggle, not that well with pax americana.


Political Convenience Won Over Chimerica

There seemed no miss that every time when a politician was forced to choose between his domestic political support and sound international relations, he'd have picked his base over his reach. Obama was no exception. Though his selection for the jobs to handle Chimaerica relations is excellent, he has to obey the rules of gravity after all. Particularly this time of the year, when big business is fighting back with entrenched ideological weapons and wide conservative reinforcement.
On the one hand, tires and steel tariffs are bad precedents for global trade, but the damage so far is amendable if communication channels are properly opened and maintained. Also, if the majority of the trade relations is untouched. Chinese protests lacked teeth and further restrictions would produce domestic backlash, and Obama's advisors should know these. The real question here is : can these actions even bring the support from the unions as his political advisors imagined? The answer actually is unlikely.
Protectionism can only buy Obama limited number of votes. Unions alone have very small chance of boosting his job ratings or health care reform. In fact, China continues to buy US bonds will lend more support to his costly programs than anything else. Therefore, I think some actions to flex the musle and show his willingness to "protect American interest" are enough. But rolling down the path of protectionism and thinking of no future domestic consequences would be stupid to say the lest.
Apparently, the president's anachronism on timing of reform has caused him too much trouble. Hopefully he won't generate vicious chain reactions from this.


Finally Obama Fought Back

It's been two month the right kept demonizing the health care reform and the president's respond was less than optimal. As the so called blue dog democrats prepared to sold out the real meaning of the reform and the reformists started to retreat, things looked dimmer than ever. I heard from the radios, even today, that people calling the U.S. health care system "world's best" and the only proof was that somehow foreign folks came to the U.S. for medical treatment. There was a huge gap between information offered by proponents and opponents of this reform. Yet, from my own experience, health care only works if you are rich in this country, or in this world.
Unfortunately, the news media after the speech were only crazy about the poor Rep. Wilson from SC who called the president a liar. Since the people he represents could burst into that kind of classless shout, I guess so could he. The lack of respect and civility for a black president seems to be the wide spreading disease in the right wing extremists. They are hurt, deeply, by the fact that their country was "lost".
Among other comments, I like Michael Pollan's NYtimes Big food vs. big insurance the best. Rarely are people thinking outside the set primeters and trace it to the root of the problem. Aparently, anyone coming from outside of the US could tell there something wrong with American food. It's fat, high calories, ill-nutritious, and bad taste. Moreover, middle to low class whose access to qulity food is limited has to consume a huge amount of cheap bad food. The accumulation of fat is unbelieveable, including myself! Of course, even Mr. Pollan was reluctant to point out that Americans are overworked comparing to the Europeans. And that makes them even more unhealthy.
The discussion on COST can also be extended into other professional areas. In the American system, professionalism is rewarded with extravagant salary. Doctors, Lawyers, Bankers, whoever goes to a professional school and pays the big tuition bill will get a fat job. These profesisons have been effectively mystified to the outsiders and anyone who wants to get professional service is bound to pay these people handsomely. The limit supply of these professionals constrained quality service and raised the bar so high that all the other people would have to foot the bill.
Obama was absolutely right in his speech, and Polanyi was right from the very beginning, that the market would work against itself if left alone. The irony is that without government intervention to design a better playing field, the market would actually be distorted to benefit only a few. It will be a real shame, much bigger than Wilson's blunder, if Americans forsake this chance of reform again.






